Calling all junior artists and environmental enthusiasts! The City of Concord's annual stormwater art contest is back. Students in grades kindergarten through 12th grade are invited to enter original artwork that brings awareness to stormwater issues, particularly ways to prevent stormwater pollution.
2024 Stormwater Art Contest Winning Artwork
Stormwater Education Resources
We've created some helpful infographics to help students learn more about stormwater and stormwater pollution. These resources will enhance their stormwater smarts and perhaps help inspire the creative direction for their artwork.
Students participating in the contest are required to review the stormwater resource for their age range. An adult or older sibling is encouraged to work with younger students and review the stormwater information together.
Choose the stormwater resource below for your age group.
Elementary School Students
Middle School Students
High School Students
The contest closes on February 16, 2025. Winners will be announced in March, 2025.
Be sure to read the full contest rules before submitting your artwork.
A 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winner will be awarded for each age group: elementary, middle, and high school. Winners will be announced in March, 2025.
Participants must fill out the contest entry form, available HERE or by using the embedded form below. The entry form requires a parent or guardian signature.
Students can either upload their artwork and compelte the entry form online, OR, they can bring a physical copy of the form and their original artwork to City Hall.
If choosing to submit a paper copy of the form and artwork, deliver them to:
Juliann Chavez, Sustainability Coordinator
City Manager's Office, City Hall
35 Cabarrus Ave W
Concord, NC 28025
If you need help or have questions about the contest, contact Juliann Chavez, Sustainability Coordinator, by email or by phone at 704-920-5379.