Apply for A Permit
Applications for construction are reviewed by both the City of Concord (for zoning) and Cabarrus County (for building), so there is no need to submit separately to both entities. However, for construction projects, please make sure to include the necessary applications from Cabarrus County Construction Standards.
New users will be required to create an account in Accela. After logging in, enter the address of the property and then select the "Start Plan Review Process" icon. Choose the review or permit type, and follow the directions for each page.
All documents uploaded in the Accela system will need to be in PDF format.
Account creation, login, and online help (with instructional videos) pertaining to the Accela Citizen Access Portal can be found at the link below.
Accela Citizen Access
Accela Help and Self-Training
Official Fee Schedule: Planning Fees Fire Fees
Permit Type |
Help Guides |
New Tenant Certificate of Compliance (COC)
All new businesses occupying a new space are required to have a COC. Follow the process below to apply.
Print the application, sign it with a pen, scan it, and upload it to Accela.
Save the application as a pdf, sign it electronically using Adobe Acrobat Reader, save the signed version as a pdf, and upload it to Accela.
Accela Guide with Illustrations (pdf)
Buildings and New Construction (zoning clearance permit)
Fill out the Load Data Sheet, save as a pdf, then upload the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
Fill out the Load Data Sheet, save as a pdf, then upload the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
Apply using Accela
New house (residential)
Fill out the Application
Digitally sign the application at the bottom.
Click the Finalize button on the right.
Your web browser will give you an option to download as a pdf.
Apply using Accela and upload the saved pdf as an attachment to your Accela application. For help, click the links to the right on this web page.
Other types of residential construction (accessory structures, sheds, decks, covered porches, pools)
Fill out the Application
Digitally sign the application at the bottom.
Click the Finalize button on the right.
Your web browser will give you an option to download as a pdf.
Apply using Accela and upload the saved pdf as an attachment to your Accela application. For help, click the links to the right on this web page.
Accela Step-by-step Guide (pdf)
Accela Guide with Illustrations (pdf)
Development Review Committee Rules of Procedure
Rules of Procedure of the City of Concord Development Review Committee
Grading Application
Application for Sedimentation & Erosion Control for Grading Less Than 1 Acre
Home Occupation Permit Application
Fill out this Home Occupation Permit Application, save as a pdf, and submit the pdf in Accela.
If applicable, fill out the Home Occupation Sign Permit Application, save as a pdf, and submit the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
Land Use Plan Amendment Application
Fill out this application, save as a pdf, and submit the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
And deliver an original signed copy to our office
Preliminary and Final Plats (for subdivisions)
Apply using Accela
Site Plan (civil engineering plans for new construction and subdivisions)
Apply using Accela
Special Use Permit Application
Fill out this application, save as a pdf, and submit the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
And deliver an original signed copy to our office.
Signs (Permanent Signs)
Fill out the Application
Digitally sign the application at the bottom.
Click the Finalize button on the right.
Your web browser will give you an option to download as a pdf.
Apply using Accela and upload the saved pdf as an attachment to your Accela application. For help, click the links to the right on this web page.
Note: All permanent signs must be displayed in accordance with the ordinance.
See this brochure for more information about the sign ordinance.
Accela Step-by-step Guide (pdf)
Accela Guide with Illustrations (pdf)
Temporary Sign Registration (a sign permit is not necessary, but a no-fee registration is required for most temporary signs):
For yard signs (Type 1 - such as a yard sale sign, real estate sign, political campaign sign), no registration or permit is required. There is a maximum of one sign per parcel.
For either a banner sign (Type 2), development activity sign (Type 3), sandwich board sign (Type 4), or temporary wall sign:
Register the temporary sign here (no fee is required)
The system will provide an option for you to keep a copy of the registration for your records.
Note: All temporary signs must be displayed in accordance with the ordinance.
See this brochure for more information about the sign ordinance.
Temporary Use Permit Application
Fill out the Application
Digitally sign the application at the bottom.
Click the Finalize button on the right.
Your web browser will give you an option to download as a pdf.
Apply using Accela and upload the saved pdf as an attachment to your Accela application. For help, click the links to the right on this web page.
Text Amendment Application
Fill out this application, save as a digital file, and e-mail back to, or turn in at the Planning Department office at the City Hall.
Zoning Map Amendment Application
Fill out this application, save as a pdf, and submit the pdf in Accela.
Apply using Accela
And deliver an original signed copy to our office.
Zoning Verification Letters
Apply using Accela
Accela Step-by-step Guide (pdf)
Accela Guide with Illustrations (pdf)