While the City of Concord is governed by elected officials, there are several boards, commissions, and committees that also provide oversight and support for city affairs. The City Council appoints individuals to serve on these boards, which cover a wide range of issues. Residents are encouraged to consider serving on a city board, commission, or committee. Anyone interested in an appointment or wishing to make a nomination for appointment to any of these boards should submit an application to the City Clerk's Office. To obtain a form please click here or contact the City Clerk's office at 704-920-5205. Anyone interested in serving on the Concord United Committee, please click here for the application or contact the City Clerk. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are located at City Hall, 3rd Floor, 35 Cabarrus Avenue W.
Click here to view current board rosters.
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board: meets at 7:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of every month at the Concord ABC Operations Center located at 230 International Drive. For further information about this board, visit concordabcboard.com or call 704-787-9453.
Board of Adjustment (BOA): holds quasi-judicial public hearings to determine requests made by property owners in the City for minor and custodial care special use permits, variances, and appeals of administrative interpretations or decisions, as authorized by State law and local ordinance. BOA meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
WeBuild Concord: is a non-profit tax-exempt entity to enable staff to apply for grants and/or funds that would not otherwise be available to the Housing Department. This entity is a supporting organization of the City, meaning that the funds received and/or raised can be utilized to directly benefit the City's affordable housing initiatives.
Concord United Committee: to focus on racial, or other, inequities within the City of Concord organization and community, and to share with the Concord City Council and our whole community written summaries of their findings. The Committee will be comprised of a City staff liaison (1) and up to 24 members. The Concord United Committee meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Click here to apply to serve on the Concord United Committee.
Historic Preservation Commission (HPC): the historic districts near downtown Concord are some of the most valued and important assets in the City. The Historic Preservation Commission has been established by the City Council to help apply and interpret the zoning ordinance for areas within the historic districts. The work of the Historic Preservation Commission helps to identify, protect, and preserve Concord's cultural resources, as well as foster a widespread appreciation and respect for Concord's cultural heritage. HPC meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z): responsible for the conduct of planning relating to the orderly growth and development of the City, including adequate and appropriate resources for the housing, business, industry, transportation, distribution, recreation, culture, comfort, convenience, health and welfare of its population. The Commission meets regularly to hold hearings and vote on applications, as described above, concerning the use, development and improvement of real property subject to City regulation. Its consideration of these applications includes an assessment of their environmental impacts where required by law. P&Z meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Public Art Commission: to facilitate delegated city-funded art projects, identify potential project areas within the city, and to make recommendations on potential (if any) zoning / development regulations as it relates to public art and encourage privately funded “public” art projects. The Commission is charged with implementation of the city's Public Art Master Plan.
Stormwater Management Advisory Committee (SMAC): is tasked with making recommendations to City Council on major stormwater policy issues. These changes often involve changes to the development ordinance, budget recommendations, and planning project priorities. The nine members are equally divided among three sectors: Engineer/Science/Environmental, Neighborhood/HOA, and Business/Non-Profit. SMAC meets on the first Monday quarterly at 6:30 p.m. at the Alfred M. Brown Operations Center located at 635 Alfred Brown Jr Court SW, Concord, NC 28026.
Click here to request an application from the City Clerk.