Over the past 8 months the City of Concord hosted a series of drive-thru face covering distribution events across the community. Staff distributed a maximum of two face coverings per person present.
On June 26, North Carolina entered a statewide executive order mandating the use of face coverings in public places. For more information on the requirements, visit nc.gov/covid19.
Past events
Date |
Location |
# Distributed |
Mon July 6 |
David W. Phillips Activity Center |
240 |
Mon July 6 |
Weddington Road Bark Park |
259 |
Tues July 7 |
James L. Dorton Park |
494 |
Tues July 7 |
Hartsell Park and Rec. Center |
419 |
Tues July 14 |
Caldwell Park |
422 |
Sat July 18 |
Clearwater Arts Center & Studios |
264 |
Tues July 21 |
Rider Transit Center |
256 |
Sat July 25 |
El Puente Hispano |
900 |
Thur July 30 |
Les Myers Park |
260 |
Fri Aug 7 |
Highland Creek Sports Club |
675 |
Wed Aug 19 |
Ramsgate Neighborhood |
383 |
Tues Aug 25 |
Flow Harris Presbyterian Church |
85 |
Thur Sep 3 |
Roberta Farms Neighborhood |
172 |
Sat Sep 19 |
El Puente Hispano |
532 |
Sat Sep 26 |
Barber Scotia |
496 |
Fri Oct 9 |
Caldwell Park |
884 |
Sat Oct 17 |
Dream Center |
493 |
Thur Oct 29 |
Candy Cruise |
1572 |
Fri Nov 13 |
Big Brother Big Sister |
369 |
Wed Nov 18 |
Elevation Church |
642 |
Wed Nov 25 |
Elevation Church |
500 |
Sat Dec 12 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
834 |
Sat Dec 19 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
986 |
Wed Jan 12 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
2081 |
Thur Jan 14 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
2,600 |
Fri Jan 22 |
zMax Dragway |
206 |
Sun Jan 31 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
270 |
Mon Feb 8 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
153 |
Mon Feb 15 |
Cabarrus Events Arena |
138 |
Face covering information
What kind of mask is this?
The face coverings we are providing meet CDC guidelines for reducing the spread of COVID-19 (cdc.gov/coronavirus). They are 3-ply, 100% natural cotton with elastic ear loops; finished with antimicrobial chemistry, including copper and silver. They are NOT N95 respirator masks nor surgical masks; not recommended for medical environments. They are machine washable up to 15 times. Children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask.
Why wear a mask?
Studies show that wearing face coverings can reduce the spread of the coronavirus, especially from people who have the virus but do not know it. People without symptoms may spread the virus through droplets produced when breathing, speaking, or singing. We urge you to wear your mask and keep six feet of distance from others, especially when you are in the public.
How can I make my own face covering?
There are many websites to help you learn how to make your own face coverings. Here is one from the Centers for Disease Control: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-make-cloth-face-covering.html

Learn more about face coverings at cdc.gov.
Local COVID-19 Resources
Cabarrus County residents can turn to the Cabarrus Health Alliance (CHA) for ongoing information related to COVID-19 and other public health concerns. CHA provides updates through its website, cabarrushealth.org. Spanish and American Sign Language resources are also available. You can also call the Health Information Line at 704-920-1213 or email healthinfo@cabarrushealth.org. Follow CHA using @CabarrusHealth on Facebook and Twitter.
Additional resources:
Previous COVID-19 updates from the City of Concord
NC pauses in Safer at Home Phase 2
Slow the Spread of COVID-19 in Concord
Cabarrus County Government event and facility schedule updates
Cabarrus Health Alliance Coronavirus Information
Actualizaciónes en espanol de La Alianza de Salud de Cabarrus
NC Dept of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Response
CDC Coronavirus resources