The City of Concord’s Hector H. Henry Greenway-Riverwalk was recognized as one of the state’s best multimodal transportation projects by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) at the 2022 Mobi Awards. The awards recognize projects that improve the economy and enhance the quality of life in communities across the state.
The Hector H. Henry Greenway-Riverwalk is one of the city’s most popular and widely used greenways. It is 6,850 feet long and provides pedestrian and bicycle access to neighborhoods, parks, public transportation, shops, restaurants and hotels. The greenway follows the northern shore of the Rocky River and traverses over 3,000 feet of wetlands on a wooden boardwalk. Along the trail, there is also a shelter, outdoor classroom, and an observation deck.
Unlike many other projects of its scope and size, the greenway was conceived, surveyed, designed, permitted, bid, inspected and is managed entirely by City of Concord employees – creating a significant cost savings for the city and a project that employees and residents alike are proud to call their own.
“As a city committed to high performance living, it is our goal to create the best quality of place for residents to live and visitors to enjoy,” said Mayor Bill Dusch. “Receiving this honor is a testament to the talented and hard-working employees at the city who are turning our vision into reality; creating spaces that bring people together and offer safe and accessible connections to the places they want to go.”
The Hector H. Henry Greenway-Riverwalk project was one of 12 finalists and was up for an award in the large urban area category, which includes communities with populations greater than 100,000. The project received honorable mention and Charlotte’s CityLYNX Gold Line Streetcar project won first place in the large urban category. In total, more than 30 transportation projects from 27 municipalities and counties competed across six categories in the 2022 NCDOT Mobi Awards.
The greenway is the second city project to earn recognition at the statewide awards ceremony. In 2019, the Concord Kannapolis Area Transit (Rider Transit) received honorable mention in the Tourism category for the Concord Charlotte Express (CCX) Route. This bus route connects riders from the transit center in Concord to the JW Clay LYNX light rail station in Charlotte.
Learn more and take a virtual walk through the award-winning Hector H. Henry Greenway by visiting