Thirty-nine members of the community completed the Concord 101 program and were recognized for their participation and dedication by Mayor Bill Dusch and members of City Council at the annual graduation banquet. Now in its 21st year, the Concord 101 program aims to not only educate residents about city services and operations, but also inspire citizens to take a more active role in their community.
The Concord 101 program provides citizens with a unique opportunity to directly engage with members of City Council and city leaders. During the 14-week program, participants receive a firsthand look at what it takes to run city services such as transportation, electric, water, police, fire, parks and recreation and more. They also visit a variety of city facilities such as City Hall, Police Headquarters, the fire department, water treatment plant, Rider Transit Center, Concord-Padgett Regional Airport, Traffic Management Center, and the Brown Operations Center. The course also includes special sessions with community partners focused on Concord’s rich history, economic development, and tourism.
At the graduation banquet, the Mayor and members of City Council encouraged the Class of 2022 graduates to become ambassadors for the city and share the knowledge they gained during the 14-week program. Concord 101 alumni are a diverse representation of the community, with many now serving in leadership roles in their neighborhoods or on city boards and commissions. Council Members Andy Langford, Betty Stocks, Jennifer P. Hubbard, and John Sweat, Jr. are graduates of the program.
The Concord 101, Class of 2022 graduates include (in alphabetical order): Luisa Balderrama, Javier Balderrama, Jose Balderrama, Yvonne Bopp, Nakia Campbell, Leola Davis, Nathaniel Dobbs, Kimberly Ferebee, James Firth, Caroline Fisher, Michael Fisher, Diane Gatherum, James Gatherum, Savannah Glover, Pamela L. Goodlette-Rabb, Marie Hamelin, Christopher Harris, Karen Harris, Cynthia Hayes, James Hays, Scott Holzworth, Roland Jordan, Brian Kugler, Timothy Lithgow, Clay Maguire, Mike Miller, Clay Moye, Robert Neal, Sr, Matthew Pommell, Deepa Prabhakar, Garrett Price, Barbara Propst, Michelle Ridgley, Arwen Rowland, Jamie Sanderbeck, James Snell, Sowmyasri Thalanki, James Daniel Tirotta, Evelyn Witting.
The Concord 101 program is offered annually in the Fall, from August through November. The course is free, and classes are held on Tuesday afternoons and evenings. More information about the program is available at