** Update (01/18/2022) - The deadline for public comments has been extended through January 23, 2022**
The Concord City Council is committed to enhancing the quality and availability of parks and recreation programming throughout the city. In an effort to improve existing recreational opportunities, the city is seeking the public’s input on the development of a master plan for Parks and Recreation Department facilities in the Academy-Gibson Village area. The master plan will guide decisions on the facilities and amenities to preserve and renovate, as well as new features needed to improve the public’s overall enjoyment and experience while visiting the park.
The Academy-Gibson Village Park Master Plan will address both short and long-term improvements, renovations, new amenities, and pedestrian and bicycle connectivity. The Master Plan will include the Academy Recreation Center, Webb Field, McInnis Aquatic Center, McAllister Field, Gibson Field, the Village Greenway, and other associated properties owned by the city along Kerr Street near the ClearWater Arts Center & Studios. All sites are in close proximity to Downtown Concord and are collectively a total of 21.45 acres.
The public is encouraged to take a short online survey to provide input on the future for Academy-Gibson Village Park. The survey is available at publicinput.com/AcademyGibson and will close on January 9, 2022.
Recognizing the need for greater access to public facilities to better serve the city’s growing population, in 2016 the city adopted a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Following the recommendations of the Comprehensive Master Plan, the city continues to develop individual master plans for each existing park. To date, the city has adopted six park master plans: Caldwell Park, Wilson Street Park, Dorton Park, David Phillips Activity Center, Jim Ramseur Park, and most recently Hartsell Park.
City Council also continues to set aside one cent of the tax rate, or roughly $1.41 million, for the planning of new city parks, enhancements to existing facilities and programs, and an expanded greenway and connectivity system.