Planning Commission

P&Z image iconThe Planning & Zoning Commission is an appointed commission established by the City Council to specifically hear and render decisions concerning planning and zoning cases such as rezoning requests, special use permits, site plans, and amendments to the Concord Development Ordinance.  The Commission meets monthly and hears an average of about five cases each month.


Meeting Time and Location

The Planning & Zoning Commission meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at:

City Hall
35 Cabarrus Ave W
Concord, NC 28025

The parking deck is open to the public across the street from the City Hall.


Meeting Agendas and Case Documents

Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings
Planning & Zoning Commission Cases


Commission Members

Six members serving on the Commission are appointed by the City Council, and one member residing in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is appointed by the County Commissioners, and two alternate members are appointed by the City Council.  Members cannot serve more than two consecutive 3-year terms.  Persons interested in becoming a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission may submit an application to the City Clerk.


John Howard, Chair
First Term Expires 6/30/2025


Jim Hays
First Term Expires 6/30/2025


Maya Jones
First Term Expires 6/30/2025


DeAnne Haney
First Term Expires 6/30/2025


Philip Jones
Second Term Expires 6/30/2027


Brittany Evans
Second Term Expires 6/30/2027


ETJ Member


Jean King
(alternate member)
First Term Expires 6/30/2027


Cesar Correa
(alternate member)
First Term Expires 6/30/2026


Concord Development Ordinance (CDO) Rewrite

Image of someone making corrections to a documentThe CDO was initially adopted in 2000.  It has been amended numerous times over the past 20 years.  The adoption of the 2030 Land Use Plan in March 2018 introduced an opportunity to review and revise the ordinance so that it can be "cleaned up" and aligned with the new citywide land use plan.  In addition, the CDO needs to accommodate the City's internal processes, and it may need to be modernized to reflect contemporary development standards.  Another goal of the rewrite is to reduce redundancies that are currently found throughout the ordinance, and to make the text more user-friendly and less cumbersome to use.  The zoning map is not being changed as part of this rewrite project.


The Rewrite Process

The City is using services from the planning consulting firms of Tindale Oliver and Michael Lauer Planning to assist staff and City officials in the rewrite of the CDO.  A Planning Technical Team comprised of staff, elected officials, and appointed officials (such as Planning & Zoning Commission members) is guiding the work of the consultants.

The process will include three phases of drafts.  The initial draft covered changes to the permitted uses in Article 8, and was completed in 2019.  Phase II, which includes "Group One" topics, were reviewed in the first half of 2020.  Phase III pertains to "Group Two" topics - tree preservation and specific use standards.  There are three other rewrites pertaining to townhomes, traffic impact analysis, and planned unit developments.  Please check this web page periodically for drafts and summaries which will be posted below, along with links where the public may submit comments.

Phase I:  Permitted Use Table and Conservation District

  • Rewrite of the Permitted Use Table (Table 8.1.8)
    • This portion has been adopted by City Council on 12/12/2019.
  • Section 8.3 “Supplemental Regulations for Certain Uses” (this section is impacted by changes to the Use Table - Table 8.1.8)
    • This portion has been adopted by City Council on 12/12/2019.
  • Conservation District subdivision design requirements
    • This portion was adopted by City Council on 1/9/2020.

Phase II:  Group One Topics (adopted by City Council on 6/11/2020)

  • Dimensional standards/setbacks for each zoning district
  • Multi-family, city center and non-residential design standards
  • Density bonuses for projects achieving specified Land Use Plan goals
  • Connectivity and access management standards
  • Open space standards
  • Block length and Transportation System Management consistency
  • Parking and loading standards
  • Special purpose district revisions
  • Complete street standards
  • Compatible land use transitions between districts
  • Development regulations from adopted facility plans
  • Alternative buffer standards


  • Executive Summary pertaining to townhomes
  • Draft of Ordinance pertaining to townhomes
  • City Council adopted a change in the ordinance in section 7.7.4.E on 11/12/2020.  This prohibits front-loaded townhomes on collector streets (or higher).
  • Staff and the technical committee are still working on the remaining issues pertaining to townhomes.

Traffic Impact Analysis Ordinance

Phase III:  Group Two Topics

  • Executive Summary pertaining to these Group Two Topics
  • Draft of Ordinance pertaining to the Group Two Topics
  • Group Two Topics consist of:
    • Tree preservation incentives
    • Specific use standards
  • Approved by City Council on 2/11/2021

Draft for Planned Unit Development (PUD):

Drafts of Article II and Article III of the Technical Standards Manual (TSM) 4/11/2022:

Tiny Homes and Cottage Homes

A proposal to allow tiny homes and cottage homes in certain zones is being considered as a text amendment to the Concord Development Ordinance.  The full staff report can be accessed below.  A website is also available below where the public may provide input concerning this proposal.


Stay Informed

Contact us to sign up for updates regarding the posting of documents to this web page, invitations for public input, announcement of public meetings, and changes in the review/adoption schedule.