Board of Adjustment

City of Concord official city seal

The Board of Adjustment is an appointed commission established by the City Council to hear and render decisions concerning the appeal of cases such as rezoning requests, variances, and special use permits.  This Board operates in a quasi-judicial fashion, much like a miniature trial setting, and requires sworn testimony by those speaking.  Decisions are based on evidence and not opinion.  The Board is scheduled to meet monthly, if there are any cases to be heard.  


Meeting Time and Location

The Board of Adjustment meets on an as needed basis on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at:

City Hall
35 Cabarrus Ave W
Concord, NC 28025

The parking deck is open to the public across the street from the City Hall.


Meeting Agendas and Case Documents

Board of Adjustment Meetings

Board of Adjustment Cases


Commission Members

Six of the members serving on the Board are appointed by the City Council, one member who resides in the City's Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) is appointed by the County Commissioners, and two alternate members are appointed by the City Council.  Members cannot serve more than two consecutive 3-year terms.  Persons interested in becoming a member of the Board of Adjustment may submit an application to the City Clerk.  The current board members are listed below.


Coretta Grant
Second Term Expires 6/30/2026


David Niekamp
Second Term Expires 6/30/2025


Vamsi Pola
First Term Expires 6/30/2025


Steven Tice
Second Term Expires 6/30/2025


Chuck Collier
Second Term Expires 6/30/2026


Vacant appointment to be filled


ETJ Member




Cynthia Hayes
(alternate member)
First Term Expires 6/30/2026


Antwion Riley
(alternate member)
First Term Expires 6/30/2026