History of the Public Art Commission
At the November 13, 2014, City Council meeting, the Council voted to establish a Public Art Advisory Committee to facilitate delegated city-funded art projects, identify potential project areas within the city, and to make recommendations on potential (if any) zoning / development regulations as it relates to public art, and encourage privately funded “public” art projects.
At the March 11, 2021, City Council meeting, the Council voted to expand the Public Art Advisory Committee to include a staff member from the city's Parks and Recreation Department and to also include 3 at-large members.
At the February 9, 2023, City Council meeting, the Council adopted the city's first-ever Public Art Master Plan and also approved recreating a Public Art Commission to lead implementation of the Public Art Master Plan.
The Public Art Commision Regular Meeting occurs the third Wednesday of each month from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in Conference Room 330 located in City Hall (35 Cabarrus Ave W).
**Special Meeting Notice: The Public Art Commission will conduct a Planning Retreat Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the Greenway Gallery at ClearWater Arts Center & Studios**
The Public Art Commission shall consist of not more than 15 members to include 11 voting members appointed by City Council, and up to four non-voting members of city staff, appointed by the City Manager.
In order to create a rotating membership, City Council shall appoint (3) commissioners with an initial term of one (1) year; (3) commissioners with an initial term of two (2) years; and four (4) commissioners with an initial term of three (3) years. Subsequent terms of rotating members shall be three (3) years. Persons interested in becoming a member of the Public Art Commissionmay submit an application to the City Clerk.
| Barbara Propst Term Expires 6/30/2027 | | Jonathan Ewart (At Large Member) Term Expires 6/30/2026 |
| Doyle Bussey (Chair) Term Expires 6/30/2026 | | Carter Thomas (At Large Member) Term Expires 6/30/2026 |
| Deepa Prabhakar Term Expires 6/30/2025 | | Bodunrin Ladele (At Large Member) Term Expires 6/30/2027 |
| Vacant Term Expires 6/30/2027 | | Liz Fitzgerald, Cabarrus Arts Council Standing Member |
| Jeff Faggart Term Expires 6/30/2025 | | Sarah Gay, ClearWater Arts Coordinator Commission Liaison |
| Michael Askin (Vice-Chair) Term Expires 6/30/2027 | | Kaylee Caton (Ex Officio Member) Planning & Neighborhood Dev. Services |
| Danielle Player Term Expires 6/30/2026 | | Taylor Morris (Ex Officio Member) Parks and Recreation |
| | | Susan Sessler (Ex Officio Member) Buildings & Grounds |
More information about the Commission membership and membership requirements are outlined in the by-laws, linked below.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the Public Art Commission by-laws.

Public Art Master Plan
In early 2021, City Council allocated funding for the city's first-ever Public Art Master Plan.
The goal of the project was to create a vision for a true, comprehensive public art program that would serve Concord, in a manner tailored to the city and its many diverse constituents. The plan was developed with extensive community support and participation, including from various local organizations like the Cabarrus Arts Council, and other stakeholders and groups throughout the city.
The city conducted a public input survey which garnered record interest and participation from the community and generated valuable feedback that helped guide development of the final master plan. The city also hired public art consultants and worked with local artists on the creation of the master plan.
At the February 9, 2023, City Council adopted the Public Art Master Plan.
The master plan is a guiding document that offers a vision for how public art can be embedded more deeply in the life of the community.
The plan identifies potential future public art projects, outlines processes through which the city can manage projects, and demonstrates how public efforts can be a catalyst for additional private sector and community investment in public art.
For public art to be a unifying feature that strengthens Concord's overall identity,
uplifts authentic community stories and resources,
and add beauty and meaning to public places and facilities.
We Are Here! You Are Here!
The Public Art Master Plan identifies two basic themes for public art to focus on:
We Are Here! This theme aims to give voice to the diverse communities in the city, recognizes their presence, and affirms their many contributions to our community.
You Are Here! This theme aims to strengthen the identity of Concord as seen by others, such as tourists or those commuting back and forth for work, health care, education, or other reasons.