Currently the application process is open for lateral applicants.
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Who We Are...
We are an ISO Class 1 Department with 288 total personnel and 12 Fire stations. We serve 107,697 residents in a 64+ square mile area. The Class 1 insurance rating for the City of Concord is determined by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of State Fire Marshal’s Public Protection Rating Program. This program is based on the principle provider of insurance underwriting, rating and statistical information to the insurance industry in the United States (Insurance Services Office –ISO). One of the key information elements that insurers use in the underwriting and rating process for property insurance policies is ISO's classification of a jurisdiction's fire protection delivery system. Information regarding the fire department, water supply, fire alarm system, and fire protection area boundaries are critical to insurers providing insurance coverage to citizens of a community.
Our mission
The Concord Fire Department exists to reduce the loss of life and property, and to prevent injury to all shareholders and customers of the City of Concord. The Department partners with each City department and the community to provide effective and efficient fire suppression, emergency medical care, life safety education, fire inspections, code enforcement, fire investigations, hazardous materials response, and specialized rescue while maintaining a high level of training and personnel development.
Message from Chief Jake Williams
As the Fire Chief for the City of Concord, I welcome you to our website. I am humbled and honored to lead such a tremendous group of fire service professionals who are committed to providing the highest level of emergency services to the residents and visitors of this community. At the core of our mission, we strive to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of everyone in the community.
Ensuring a safe community through education, prevention, training and emergency responses are among the organization’s highest priorities. With a laser focus, these initiatives are reflected in the services and attitudes of the Concord Fire Department professionals each and every day. As the Fire Chief, I am fully committed to providing the members of our department with the skills, equipment and training to provide their services to the best of their abilities.
The Concord Fire Department values trustworthiness, resourcefulness, teamwork, compassion, diversity, respect and a commitment to excellent customer service. For us, these are more than just words. In fact, they represent our core principles and help guild our decisions and actions on a daily basis. As the Fire Chief, I am extremely proud that these principles are embraced and we pledge to uphold the highest level of professional values for our customers, citizens and shareholders.
Fire Chief
Jake Williams