Policies & Procedures

The Concord Police Department is nationally accredited by the Commision on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, INC. (CALEA).


In July of 2020, CPD began what is typically a three-year process of obtaining national accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., (CALEA), also known as “the gold standard in public safety”. Over the past two years, staff have completed a rigorous self-assessment, requiring a review of policies, procedures, practices, and processes against 180 internationally accepted public safety standards and best practices.

In March of 2022, CPD completed an assessment conducted by independent CALEA assessors with significant public safety experience. Additionally, public feedback was received to promote community trust and engagement, and structured interviews were conducted with select agency personnel, community members, external agency partners, and others with knowledge to assess CPD’s effectiveness and overall service delivery capacities.

In July of 2022, key accreditation staff attended the CALEA conference, which was held in Chicago, IL. Chief Gacek testified before a subcommittee of CALEA Commissioners in a public meeting. Later that same day, the full governing body of twenty-one CALEA commissioners awarded Law Enforcement Accreditation to the Concord Police Department for the first time.

CALEA accreditation is a continuous process and serves as the foundation for a successful, well-managed, transparent, community-focused public safety agency. CPD is required to maintain its accredited status by remaining in compliance with all 180 CALEA standards - at all times – while being subject to annual CALEA assessments.  

General Order 01.01 - Code of Conduct

General Order 02.01 -  Organization of the Concord Police Department

General Order 02.02 - Rank Structure

General Order 02.03 - Goals and Objectives

General Order 02.04 - Written Directives

General Order 02.05 - Police Chaplain Program

General Order 03.01 - Recruitment and Selection Process

General Order 03.02 - Coworker Benefits

General Order 03.03 - Injury to Employees While on Duty

General Order 03.04 - Fiscal Management

General Order 03.05 - Attendance and Leave Requests

General Order 03.06 - Court and Judicial Hearing Attendance

General Order 03.07 - Patrol Bureau Shift System and Shift Bid Process

General Order 03.08 - Sworn Administrative and Supervisory Promotions

General Order 03.09 - Secondary and Outside Employment

General Order 03.10 - Social Media

General Order 03.11 - Public Information and Media Relations

General Order 03.12 - Computer Network, E-mail, Internet Access

General Order 03.13 - Disposal or Release of Digital Media

General Order 03.14 - Commendations

General Order 03.15 - Early Intervention Program

General Order 03.17 - Personnel Investigations and Discipline

General Order 03.18 - Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (HR218)

General Order 03.19 - DCI Transactions and Security

General Order 03.20 - Records Retention

General Order 04.01 - Training and Career Development

General Order 04.02 - Field Training Program

General Order 04.03 - Ride Along Program

General Order 04.04 - Police Cadet Program

General Order 05.01 - Notification of Police Chief and Command Staff

General Order 05.02 - Incident Command System

General Order 05.03 - Officer Involved Critical Incidents

General Order 05.05 - Hazmat Response

General Order 06.01 - Personal Appearance Standards and Equipment

General Order 06.02 - Body Worn Ballistic Armor

General Order 06.04 - Unmanned Aircraft Systems

General Order 06.05 - Weapon Regulations

General Order 06.06 - Video Recording Equipment

General Order 06.07 - Speed Detection Device

General Order 07.01 - Arrest Authority and Procedures

General Order 07.02 - Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

General Order 07.03 - Use of Force

General Order 07.04 - Search and Seizure

General Order 07.05 - Evidence and Property Control

General Order 07.06 - Fair and Impartial Policing

General Order 07.07 - Juvenile Operations

General Order 07.08 - Processing and Temporary Detention

General Order 08.01 - Felony Case Reporting

General Order 08.04 - Interviews / Interview Rooms 

General Order 08.06 - Natural, Unnatural, and Accidental Deaths

General Order 08.07 - Missing Persons

General Order 08.08 - Domestic Violence

General Order 08.09 - Criminal Investigations

General Order 09.01 - Department Vehicle Operation

General Order 09.02 - Traffic Enforcement and Vehicle Stops

General Order 09.03 - Fresh Pursuit of a Vehicle

General Order 09.04 - Traffic Direction and Control

General Order 09.05 - Motor Vehicle Checking Stations

General Order 09.06 - Chemical Tests for Drugs and Alcohol

General Order 09.07 - Citations

General Order 09.08 - Vehicle Towing and Owner Notification

General Order 09.09 - Wrecker Rotation

General Order 09.10 - Traffic Ancillary Services

General Order 09.11 - Shopping Mall Operations

General Order 09.13 - Interactions with the Mentally Ill

General Order 09.14 - Interpretation Services

General Order 09.15 - Recording of Police Activity

General Order 09.16 - General Radio Procedures

General Order 09.17 - Naloxone Program

General Order 09.18 - Immigration Enforcement, Foreign Nationals & Diplomatic Immunity

Orden General 09.18 - Aplicación De La Ley De Inmigración, Personas Extranjeras & Inmunidad Diplomática

General Order 09.19 - Field Reporting and Records Management

General Order 09.20 - Telephone Reporting Unit

General Order 09.21 - Automated License Plate Reader

General Order 10.01 - Sworn Special Assignments

General Order 10.03 - Police Motorcycle Unit

General Order 10.05 - Canine Operations

General Order 10.06 - Foot-Bicycle Patrol

The Concord Police Department participates in the CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation process.  As a part of this process, we provide an opportunity for public feedback via the CALEA Accreditation Public Comment Portal, which can be located here:https://cimrs2.calea.org/1056

The purpose of this public portal is to receive comments regarding an agency’s compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status.  These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns.  The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the participating agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence.

It is important to know that CALEA is not an investigatory body and subsequently the public portal should not be used to submit information for such purposes.  Additionally, there will be no response other than acknowledgement to submissions; however, the information will be considered in context to its relevancy to compliance with standards and the tenets of CALEA® Accreditation.  Standard titles may be viewed on the CALEA website: Law Enforcement -Standards Titles | CALEA® | The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. 







Concord Police Patch


P.O. Box 308
41 Cabarrus Ave W 
Concord, NC 28026

Chief of Police
(704) 920-5007

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911 Emergency

Police Communications (Non-Emergency)
(704) 786-9155

Information Desk/Customer Service
(704) 920-5000
or (704) 920-5018

Police Records
(704) 920-5052

Narcotics Enforcement
(704) 920-5801

Criminal Investigations
(704) 920-5055

Code Enforcement
(704) 920-5150

Community Outreach and Education
(704) 920-5063

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