Unexpected water leaks are a challenge for customers and the City of Concord. Some of the most common ways that customers experience water loss are toilet leaks, hot water tank leaks and broken pipes. Since customers are charged for all water passing through their meters (including leaks), those who have leaks can experience high water bills. Historically, customers with leaks have been eligible for a partial leak adjustment, leaving an amount due higher than the typical monthly bill, which can create an unexpected financial burden.

Effective July 1, 2019, the City of Concord is able to assist customers who experience high water bills due to unexpected leaks with a new program that provides a 100 percent leak adjustment. The program allows a customer to receive this adjustment one time over a 24-month period.
Water Loss Protection Program participants are charged a monthly fee based on meter size. The base rate is 50 cents per month for each standard ¾” residential meter, with graduated fees charged for larger size meters (industrial customers will not be eligible for this program). The fee is automatically included on the customer’s monthly billing statement, and a customer may opt-out of the program by submitting an opt-out application. Customers are responsible for providing proof of repairs in order to receive the adjustment. However, if a customer chooses not to participate, there would be no assistance provided if a leak occurs. The opt-out application can be completed here, or customers can come to City Hall (35 Cabarrus Avenue West) and fill out a hard copy. The City of Concord will not reduce high bills due to water usage for swimming pool fill ups, irrigation, or misuse by the customer.
The City of Concord is responsible for the distribution main near the street, the service connection to the meter, and the meter located near the street. The customer's responsibility begins at the connection to the water meter. An important step in avoiding water loss is reviewing monthly bills for consumption. Once a problem has been recognized, customers customer should locate the leak and make needed repairs in a timely manner. Monitoring your water consumption can minimize large water bills in the future and possible damage from water leaks.