Transportation Planning

Transportation Streets Map FY 24

Transportation Pedestrian and Bicycle Map FY 24

Transportation Public Transit and Rail Map FY 24

Transportation Map FY 24 Street Appendix

Typical Cross Sections 


The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is the City's official long-range transportation document for local roadway improvements.  The Transportation Plan Map shows existing and future alignments of thoroughfares and collector streets in the City while the associated Street Appendix shows schedules consisting of future cross sections, and future rights-of-way.  The City of Concord Transportation Plan Map and Street Appendix is a coordinated sub-set of the Cabarrus-Rowan MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and Street Appendix.  The Cabarrus-Rowan MPO is the designated planning agency for all transportation projects in Cabarrus and Rowan counties and the LRTP is a financially unconstrained view of the future roadway network in Cabarrus and Rowan counties.

As planning documents from adjoining jurisdictions, the state and the MPO change, roadway networks expand, development occurs, and land use changes, the current Transportation Plan is evaluated periodically by staff to reflect potential changes to street classifications and future roadway alignments through a formal Plan revision.  As part of the revision process, public comment is also essential in providing a complete, comprehensive, and up-to-date Transportation Plan.  Citizens have an opportunity to formally participate in the planning process for the Concord Transportation Plan at public hearings.

The FY 24 Transportation Plan Map is recorded at the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds.

Prospectus for Continueing Transportation Planning for the Cabarrus-Rowan Urban Area

Physical Address
Transportation Services Building
242 General Services Dr
Concord, NC 28026-0308

Mailing Address
Transportation Department
Post Office Box 308
Concord, NC 28026-0308