Business Garbage & Recycling Services
For more information about business garbage and recycling services, call the Customer Care Center at 704.920.5555.
Commercial Roll-Out Garbage & Recycle Cart Service (fee-based)
- Commercial roll-out garbage cart service for businesses, institutions, and non-profit organizations is available for a monthly fee under the following conditions
- The organization is not a part of a development where dumpster service is available.
- The dumpster collection truck is unable to access the facility to empty a dumpster, including residence-based organizations.
- The business is too small to require a dumpster and fronts on a public roadway.
- Each building is limited to 3 roll-out garbage containers, irrespective of the number of commercial generators located in that building.
- Only City of Concord roll-out containers are serviced.
- For more information, call 704.920.5555. Commercial Roll-Out Recycling Cart Service
- All businesses may request up to 3 - 95 gallon recycling carts for commingle recycling (must be approved by the Solid Waste Director).
- Commercial roll-out recycling customers must comply with the same guidelines and restrictions as residential recycling customers.
Bulky Waste
- Bulky waste service not available to businesses or organizations.
Yard Waste
No yard waste services are available to businesses or non-profits except as described below:
- Loose leaf collection is only provided to churches, non-profits, and small businesses located within residential neighborhoods.
- If your property fronts on a predominantly commercial road, you most likely do not qualify.
- If you are uncertain that you qualify for loose leaf collection, call 704-920-5555 before you put your loose leaves to the curb.
ABC Permit Holder Recycling
In 2005, the State of North Carolina passed House Bill 1518 (SL2005-348), which requires certain ABC permit holders to recycle glass, plastic, and aluminum beverage containers whose contents are sold for on-premises consumption.
The City of Concord does not provide recycling service for ABC permit holders. It is the responsibility of the business owner to secure recycling service from a private company or to create their own ABC recycling plan.
HB 1518 applies to holders of:
- on-premises malt beverage permits
- on premise unfortified wine permits
- mixed beverage permits
- on-premise fortified wine permits
Please visit the North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance’s website or call them at (800) 763-0136 for more detailed information. HB 1518 is managed by the North Carolina ABC Commission. Applicants for ABC permits must, in addition to the Permit Application, fill out a Recycling Compliance Form, or if the applicant chooses to prepare their own recycling plan, they must instead submit a Recycling Self Hauling Form. Download NCDPPEA’s ABC Legislation presentation. (PowerPoint viewer required.)
Recycling Vendors
Below is a list of vendors providing recycling services to the Concord area.
Republic Services