Fats, Oils & Grease

What is F.O.G. ?

F.O.G. stands for Fats, Oils and Grease (and wax).

When F.O.G. is discharged to the sanitary sewer from food preparation and cleanup activities, it can cause problems.  The FOG Control Program is mandated by federal and state government and includes an educational component for residential and non-residential customers as well as an enforceable ordinance aimed at safely managing the discharge of FOG from commercial food service establishments.  The F.O.G. Control Program applies to residents as well as businesses.




Milk, Cheese, Sour Cream
Butter, Shortning, Margarine
Meat Trimmings
Peanut Butter



Olive/Canola/Vegetable Oil
Cooking Oils
Salad Dressing



Bacon/Sausage Fat
Meat/Pan Drippings



Candle Wax
Polishing Products
Waxy Products


When warm fat, oil, grease and wax are poured down the sink or flushed down the toilet, it may seem like they will go down the drain easily.  But they may not travel very far through your pipes before they begin to form large, nasty conglomerations with other debris and chemicals and stick to the walls of your pipes.  These FOG deposits could cause future sewer backups in your home, condominium, restaurant, or other building.

When FOG goes down the drain, it hardens and causes sewer pipes to clog.  This can lead to a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) where raw sewage actually backs up into your home, lawn, neighborhood, and streets.  Not only does this nasty mess cause health issues, it also can run into a nearby stream or river, which affects our drinking water.  If your pipes become clogged from putting FOG down the drain, it can be very expensive problem to fix.  To avoid household and environmental damage as well as a costly bill, NEVER put FOG down the drain!

What can I do to help?

Can the Grease

Pour cooled fat, oil and grease into a container and put the container in the trash. If you don't have a container, place tin foil into a cup, add F.O.G., allow to cool and dispose.

Scrape Your Plate

Before washing, use a paper napkin or paper towel to wipe F.O.G. from dishes and dispose of it in the trash.

Catch the Scraps

Use sink strainer to catch food waste. Put scraps in the trash, not through the garbage disposal.

Myths and Facts

Myth: It doesn’t matter what I do because I’m in an apartment complex with lots of other kitchens.

Fact: Apartments are especially vulnerable to grease clogs because there are so many kitchens draining into the sewer system at one point. Every apartment needs to keep grease out of the drain.

Myth: I rent, It’s not my problem. If the drain is clogged, the landlord will pay for the repairs.

Fact: Depending on your rental agreement, the landlord may pay for the repair, but YOU are the person who has to put up with the inconvenience and stench of the backed up drain.

Myth: I don’t create enough grease to clog pipes.

Fact: Once deposited inside the pipe, grease does not go away. Over time, any household can put enough grease down a drain to clog its pipes.

Myth: I can flush grease down my toilet.

Fact: Flushing grease down the toilet just creates build-up in the toilet drain.

Myth: I can dissolve grease in my pipes with hot water.

Fact: Hot water gives the illusions of dissolving grease. It really just pushes the grease further down the drain, where it quickly cools and sticks to the inside of the pipe.

Mailing Address
City of Concord
Water Resources
P.O. Box 308
Concord, NC 28026

Physical Address
Alfred M. Brown Operations Center
635 Alfred Brown Jr Court SW
Concord, NC 28025

For Sewer Service or Billing questions, please call 704-920-5555.