Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The City of Concord strives to be a great place to work and live and sustain an environment where everyone has the tools needed to reach their full potential. 


Our mission is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the internal functions of the City of Concord and throughout the city by partnering and collaborating with the City of Concord United Committee.


To fulfill our mission, the City of Concord commits to dedicating the resources needed to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion into the fabric of our organization to ensure equitable delivery of city services to members of our community, regardless of race, ethnicity, national orgin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, socio-economic status or any other factor of a person's identity. We also commit to collaborating with the City of Concord United Committee to ensure an equitable and just community for our residents.

Our Pledge

We recognize that there is no quick method to creating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment or community. We are held accountable by our residents and employees to strive for excellence and to be transparent in the work that we are doing. We will be committed to working with the community through the City of Concord United Committee. We will provide opportunities for training employees to engage in dialogue for the benefit of greater understanding of the experiences of fellow colleagues and neighbors. We are intentional in our efforts and believe that our city will be better because of our commitment to building a diverse workforce that celebrates the various backgrounds, talents, perspectives and skills represented in our community.

Title VI Plan

The City of Concord adopted a Title VI Plan to ensure compliance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. 

For a complete copy of the City's Title VI Plan, click here for English, or here for Spanish.

To file a Title VI complaint, click here for English or here for Spanish.

Language Access Plan

The City of Concord is committed to providing accessibility to persons whose dominant, only, and/or primary language is something other than English, and to improving and increasing access to City-operated programs and services.

In 2023, the City was one of nine municipalities accepted into the inaugural Language Access Collaborative facilitated by the Building Integrated Communities team at the Institute for the Study of the Americas at UNC-Chapel Hill. Through the program, City staff worked with El Puente Hispano to evaluate current practices and policies, conduct a needs assessment, and create a plan to improve communication with residents with Limited English Proficiency.

After a year-long collaborative effort with El Puente Hispano, the City adopted its first Language Access Plan (LAP). The Plan identified the top three languages most frequently encountered in the community as Spanish, Hindi, and American Sign Language. These are the three strategic languages that the LAP will focus on initially, with additional languages evaluated each year and the plan updated as needed.

The City is working to implement the goals from the LAP, including:

  • Increase translation of vital documents and notices, beginning with the three strategic languages.
  • Provide interpretation services for residents, as requested, during public meetings.
  • Develop internal training to share language access resources, requirements, and services.
  • Create an inclusive emergency response plan.

Additional resources and information related to the Language Access Plan is available online or you may call the Human Resources Department at 704-920-5100.