This project will relocate and replace a section of water main along Old Charlotte Rd.
8/2/24 Update: The Notice to Proceed has been issued for this project construction to begin. Construction is estimated to be complete in Spring of 2025.
5/15/24 Update: Bids have been received.
5/1/24 Update: A Pre-Bid Meeting has been held for all interested bidders.
4/17/24 Update: The Old Charlotte Road Waterline Replacement Project is out to bid. Bids due back May 15, 2024.
2/15/24 Update: This project is currently in the engineering design phase.
10/6/23 Update: Authorization letters were mailed to residents near the extents of the project. These residents should be seeing them arrive in your mailboxes soon. By signing these letters, you are giving the City of Concord's Surveying team permission to enter your property to collect all the necessary data for the waterline replacement project. To keep the project moving forward, please sign and return the forms at your earliest convenience.