applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 School year
What is Youth Council?
Formally started in 2001. Simply put, the City of Concord Youth Council is a service-oriented organization that is comprised of students attending a public, private or home school within Cabarrus County. Each member serves the community at large attaining leadership skills and responsibilities in the form of programs and community service projects. Participation is based on volunteer hours earned each semester and optionally throughout the summer.
Why join CYC? Meeting peers from other high schools and backgrounds, gain perspective from your community, get an awesome t-shirt, make great memories and have fun doing it all!
How do you apply? Applications are available on this website February - April for the 2025-2026 school year. Students entering grades 9 through 11 may apply. Membership is free. If your application is accepted by the advisors, an interview will then be scheduled with the Executive Board members. Acceptance and denial letters are sent out prior to Cabarrus County Schools letting out for the school year.
If you have any questions please contact Lead Advisor Montana Maurer Williams-
Why apply? Take it from our members... "It's awesome!", "I loved watching the kids light up as everyone around them stopped to create a day just for them, it was very heartwarming!", "We are bettering the community, and we are the future of this community.", "Don't be afraid to seek the opportunities that allow you to go above and beyond."