The Concord City Council adopted a sewer allocation policy. The policy outlines that any project requiring a permit based upon 15A NCAC Subchapter 2T rules and WSACC Sewer Allocation and Commitment Policy shall be evaluated for preliminary allocation by City Council. A project must have received preliminary allocation approval prior to submitting construction design drawings. For residential projects, the preliminary application requests will be processed at the time of preliminary plat. All non-residential projects must have received preliminary sewer allocation approval prior to formal review of construction design drawings. Those projects will be presented quarterly to Council. If approved, the project will have 1 year to achieve final plan approval and WSACC flow acceptance. Per the revised policy, the applicant of the approved PSA can apply for a one-time, 6-month PSA extension request.
*Fee Schedule update as of October 1st, 2024- All projects submitting for a one-time, 6-month PSA extension, will be charged a PSA Application Extension fee of $500.
In accordance with the City of Concord’s preliminary sewer flow allocation policy; a City of Concord Preliminary Wastewater Flow application (PWWF) with a project narrative must be submitted to the City through Accela Citizen Access.
The estimated average daily sewer flow rates indicated in 15A NCAC Subchapter 2T 0.114 Wastewater Design Flow Rates are to be utilized in determining the total average daily flow except for single-family and multifamily residential development. For single-family and multifamily residential development, an average daily wastewater flow rate of 75 GPD per bedroom is to be utilized in determining the total average daily flow per the recently adopted Wastewater Regulatory Relief Act G.S. 143-215.1 Amendment.
PSA Submittal Deadlines and Council Meeting Dates
January 21, 2025 (March 25th Council Meeting)
April 21, 2025 (June 24th Council Meeting)
July 21, 2025 (September 23rd Council Meeting)
October 20, 2025 (December 16th Council Meeting)
Once finalized, the Sewer Allocation Packet can be found on the Council Agenda-Agenda and Minutes for the applicable meeting date, at the following link
City Council Sewer Allocation-Project Approval Summary (Archives)
December 17, 2024 Approval Summary
September 24, 2024 Approval Summary
June 25, 2024 Approval Summary
March 26, 2024 Approval Summary
December 19, 2023 Approval Summary
September 26, 2023, Council Meeting-CANCELLED
June 20, 2023, Council Meeting-CANCELLED- June 2023 Preliminary Wastewater Allocation Summary
March 21, 2023 Approval Summary
December 20, 2022 Approval Summary
September 20, 2022 Approval Summary
July 19, 2022 Approval Summary *The June 21st sewer allocation meeting was rescheduled to July 19th.
March 22, 2022 Approval Summary
Please contact the Engineering Department at 704-920-5425 if you need further information.
The City of Concord Planning Department administers design/plan review under the City of Concord Development Ordinance. Engineering comes along side the Planning Department to provide site plan review for stormwater management plans and public water and sewer infrastructure, including permitting public water and/or sewer extensions. Formal review takes place within the Citizen Access Online Permitting platform
The City of Concord Water and Sewer fee schedule can be viewed here.
Non-residential: Typically, the non-residential water and sewer connection charges associated with developer installed commercial/industrial services are assessed with each site plan submission, unless otherwise authorized by the City.
Residential: The water and sewer connection charges for residential Multifamily (Apartments/Leased residential single-family/townhomes) development with master water meter systems with private internal water and sewer lines are assessed as part of site plan submission and are based on most current fee schedule at the time of approval.
Residential Single-Family: The water and sewer connection charges for residential (Single-family/Townhome) subdivision development are assessed with each building permit.
Please be advised that Cabarrus County assesses a WSACC System Development Fee as part of the building plan review fees that is separate from the City of Concord’s fees and charges. Please reference Cabarrus County’s adopted fees and charges for further information.
For WSACC System Development Fees click here.
For Cabarrus County Fees click here.
After the applicable fees have been paid, a representative from the City of Concord Engineering Department will contact the developer to schedule a Formal Pre-construction Meeting. All Public Water & Sewer Permitted projects require a Formal Pre-Construction meeting. For Non-Permitted projects, an onsite In-formal Pre-Construction meeting will be scheduled. To schedule a Pre-Construction meeting, please contact us at 704-920-5425.
The Engineering Construction Program ensures land development and City of Concord construction projects are built in accordance with the approved plans, contract documents, City of Concord Standards and Specifications. Please make note of the following steps to ensure appropriate documentation is provided through out the construction phase.
Please reference the following General Conditions for Horizontal and Vertical Construction.
The Performance Surety process is governed by Article 5.7.4 paragraph H of the Concord Development Ordinance.
Performance Sureties are required when public improvements are shown on approved plans but not yet constructed. These improvements can include asphalt final surface, sidewalks, street trees, and Storm Water Control Measures (SCMs) formerly (BMPs). These sureties must be established prior to the approval of the final plat for subdivisions and Certificate of Completion for site plans. The surety can be in the form of a bond, letter of credit, or cash. The surety shall remain in place until final inspection and acceptance by the City of Concord. At that time, the surety shall be released.
The dollar value of the work must be determined by utilizing the surety estimate forms included here. The Engineer of Record must select a form, complete the required information, convert the form to a PDF, sign, seal and submit the PDF to the Engineering Construction Manager. Based upon the preferred method of surety, the Engineering Construction Manager will develop the agreement and provide the appropriate forms to the Developer’s representative to begin the signature and agreement execution process. The Developer signs the original agreement, bond and/or letter of credit and returns to the Construction Manager, signed, sealed and notarized.
Performance Surety Documents
Roadway Final Surface Performance Estimate Form
SCM Performance Estimate Form
Performance Surety Bond Form
Performance Surety Agreement Form LLC Roadway
Performance Surety Agreement Form LLC SCM
Letter of Credit Agreement Form Roadway
Letter of Credit Agreement Form SCM
Cash Escrow Agreement Form Roadway
Cash Escrow Agreement Form SCM
All Surety Agreements and associated documents may be delivered or sent via overnight service (UPS, FedEx) to
City of Concord-Engineering Dept.
635 Alfred Brown Jr. Ct. SW
Concord, NC 28026-0308
Attn: Veronika Galitsky, Engineering Construction Manager
Please reference the SCM intake form for a guide to the SCM maintenance agreement
Once all the applicable Water and Wastewater system improvements have been constructed a final inspection must be completed. Final Inspections are scheduled with the City of Concord Engineering Department Construction Inspection Staff. If you have not scheduled your final inspection with your City of Concord Engineering Inspector, please contact us here.
All Water and Sewer Permits must be closed out by submitting Final Certifications PRIOR to the Issuance of the Certificate of Compliance (COC). IMPORTANT: DO NOT SUBMIT THE FINAL APPROVAL APPLICATION PACKAGE UNTIL the all applicable Water and Wastewater system improvements have been constructed, final inspections completed, and the required onsite utility testing have been accepted. Final Inspections are scheduled with the City of Concord Engineering Department Construction Inspection Staff.
If you have not scheduled your final inspection with your City of Concord Engineering Inspector, please contact us here.
Please reference the following Partial/Final Certification checklist for all required documentation. The documentation must be submitted by way of hard copy and Electronic copy to the City of Concord Engineering Department. Packages should be sent to Alfred M. Brown Operations Center, 635 Alfred Brown Jr Court SW, Concord, NC 28025, Attn: Timothy Emrich. Do Not Upload to Citizen Access (Accela).
All SCM Final Certifications must be submitted PRIOR to the Issuance of the Certificate of Compliance (COC), unless a Performance Surety has been executed. IMPORTANT: DO NOT SUBMIT THE FINAL CERTIFICATION PACKAGE UNTIL CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE.
Please reference the SCM As-Built/Final Certification process here.
The following requirements MUST be met prior to the Issuance of the Certificate of Compliance (COC). Engineering will authorize the COC once the final inspection is performed, all punch list items addressed and items and processes in the COC site close-out are complete.
Certificate of Compliance checklists below
COC Checklist Site Non-Permitted
COC Checklist Site Permitted
COC Checklist Subdivision Permitted
FINAL PLAT (Subdivision only):
Infrastructure must be in place and functional including storm drainage system, sanitary sewer system, water system with full flow, roadway aggregate base course, concrete curb and gutter and asphalt base course.
Prior to Plat signature and recordation, the SCM Maintenance Agreement, SCM and Roadway Performance Sureties must be in place.
SCM maintenance agreement, As-builts, and Engineer’s certification must be completed.
If the construction of the SCM, As-builts, and Engineer’s certifications are not complete at the time the COC is desired, a performance security for 125% of the construction cost may be posted with the City of Concord. This process may take 30-60 days. Please plan accordingly.
Utility accounts must be created with the correct billing name, address, and account number. Call Customer Care at 704-920-5555 to create your account. Connection and Capacity fees Should be paid at the time the plans are approved. Please prepare to present your receipt to Customer Care when requesting City provided meters.
Backflow certification and final inspection. Call City of Concord Water Resources at 704-920-5352.
Final As-Built Certification for Public Water and Sewer Extensions must be completed. Reference the As-built/Final Certification steps above.
This inspection includes site utilities, general site plan items, right-of-way improvements, and SCM general inspection. Contact designated City of Concord Construction Inspector here to request a Final Inspection.
Final Fire inspection must be completed. Call FMO at 704-920-5517 for inspections.
Development Services/Zoning inspection approval – call Planning at 704-920-5152 for inspection of landscaping, sidewalks, parking, and other aesthetics.